Products and Services

контакты 2 Fabrication and renovation of electrical contacts Электронно-лучевое осаждение покрытий на лопатки газовых турбин и другие изделия Electron-beam Depositing of Coating on Gas Turbine Blades and Other Articles Электронно-лучевое осаждение из­носостойких и особотвердых покрытий на инструмент, штампы, пресс-формы и т.д. Electron-beam Depositing of Wear-Resistant and Dead-Hard Coating on Tools, Press Dies, Press Moulds, etc. ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ МИКРОПОРИСТЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ1 Production of Microporous Materials and Coatings Электронно-лучевая плавка металлов и сплавов Electron-beam Melting of Metals and Alloys Получение исходных материалов для осаждения теплозащитных покрытий на лопатки турбин Production of Initial Material (Feed Stock) Used for Depositing Heat-Resistant Coating on Turbine Blades Fabrication of laboratory equipment and industrial equipment Fabrication of laboratory equipment and industrial equipment

ELTECHMASH gives special attention to developing and fabrication of laboratory and industrial electron-beam equipment for implementation of a number of new processes and improvement of the existing processes, such as:


• depositing heat-resistant coating on gas turbine blades;

• vapour-condensed generation of composite materials of dispersion-strengthened, microlayered and microporous type;

• generation of pure metals, special alloys, ferroalloys, solar-purity polycrystalline silicon to be used in such sectors as machine building, aircraft building, power engineering and space equipment.